At the conclusion of Vol. III, we promised there was more to the story. We weren’t kidding! So for the handful of devoted Cinephobiacs who demanded it, here’s the next chapter in the never-ending, comically tragic saga of Jungle Gate: the wild & wacky misadventures of Eli Roth’s The Green Inferno!
A word to the wise: this episode comes with a very serious Nipple Dipper Trigger Warning that’s not to be taken lightly! If you truly believe in your heart and soul that all good horror journalists should do their best to mimic their mainstream news media counterparts and dutifully reprint studio press releases without applying any interceding, critical thought processes, then don’t just walk away from this episode, WRIGGLE away from it as fast as you can slime.
Slooshy well my little droogies.
Slooshy well!
‘Right Click’ (PC) or ‘CTRL-Click’ (Mac) here to download a copy to your hard drive.
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p.s. If you missed the original trilogy, don’t fret, Volume IV can be ingested à la carte, but if you’re still craving some of the earlier offerings, you can dive into them here:
Jungle Gate Vol. I
Jungle Gate Vol. II
Jungle Gate Vol. III