Trigger Warning!
The following dizzy dissertation comes with absolutely zero Trigger Warnings so please proceed at your own peril. There will be no Trigger Warnings to save you!

The vast majority of Pupples are understandably bewitched, bothered and bewildered by current world events although a major contributor to the confusion lies in the fact that many simply don’t appreciate the fundamentals of how global power operates on a practical level. Once you understand the basic framework, there is very little that should take you by surprise and if it does, it’s likely you lost sight of the bigger picture so zoom out a bit and recalibrate your senses accordingly.

If you’re amongst the Gibblehead contingent (i.e. the virtue-signalling, faux-progressives devoid of critical thinking skills), you’re no doubt convinced that the reason we can’t have nice things is because of Donny Fartpants and his posse of Nipple Dipper renegades (i.e. the bigoted, paranoid reactionaries, or as Shillary Clinton calls them, ‘The Basket of Deplorables’, or as Justin Trudope is fond of saying, the ‘Fringe Minority with Unacceptable Views’).

But the disdain works equally well in the other direction. From the Dippers’ point of view, it’s the Gibbles, the Libtards, the Marxists and the ‘Satan-Worshipping, Hollyweird Pedophiles’ who are to blame for the endless agonies of the universe.

As neither of these dispositions will yield an accurate and functional understanding of the slings and arrows of outrageous history, both factions are doomed to find themselves perpetually dazed and confused within their respective, deeply distorted perceptions of reality.

The first step in trying to break free from the prison of Partisan Derangement is to understand that all of us are suffocating under a smothering blanket of corporate kleptocracy, a global superstructure that transcends both national boundaries and any perceptible democratic processes. This creates an abstracted political map of its own, although one where the demarcations and boundaries are virtually impossible to illustrate with clear and visible lines, hence why so many of the Dizzy Dissidents, even the ones who implicitly understand many of the concepts I’m playing around with here, endlessly default to analyzing world events through the antiquated model of independent nation states operating according to their own interests. It’s extremely challenging, if not virtually impossible, to mentally grasp the shape and influence of the one true entity responsible for driving the current course of history: the Corporate Superstate and the Fugazi Demon in possession of its infernal soul.

As much as we like to believe that the west is in perpetual conflict with the likes of Russia and China (or with any nation determined to exert some measure of self determination beyond the paralyzing grip of the aforementioned Superstate), we have to recognize that both Russia and China are likewise riddled with western corporate interests themselves. And in the case of developing nations where industries may appear to be largely domestically driven, a quick peek under the hood reveals that western oligarchs are often the principle shareholders and the primary plunderers. The Corporate Superstate is an imperial force unprecedented in human history and it will not stop until every molecule of land, sea and air on Planet Earth is privately owned and administered within all of its embedded, entwined machinery.

The translucent, difficult to detect tentacles of the Superstate circle the entire globe, many times over, leaving all of us ensnared within its tangled appendages. The democratic processes that correspond with each of our individual nation states are largely illusory, having been successfully captured over time by this insidious entity. For instance, the absolutely mind-bending measures inflicted on us during the CoronaPanic, measures adopted in lockstep throughout the entire corporate captured western world, measures that directly violated many previously held, self-evident beliefs about our inalienable human rights, freedoms and so-called ‘western values,’ have revealed to us, with crystal clear clarity, the full extent of the capture, for those ideologically adventurous enough to open their eyes to it, that is.

To understand the essential nature of our relationship to this Imperial Superstate, we must tune into the fears and desires of the Ruling Degenerates themselves. Not until we are able to comprehend the primal forces that drive this infernal operation can we hope to perceive any of the constantly mutating events of history with any reasonable measure of coherence, which leaves us vulnerable to varying degrees of Partisan Derangement along with its much more fearsome kissing cousin, the terminal and incurable condition of Cultural Psychosis itself.

Many of us are surrounded by dutifully self-disciplined individuals, including our dear friends and family members, who’ve been successfully conditioned to believe that our public institutions remain more or less intact, and though we may live in a deeply flawed society, we still enjoy some semblance of a reasonable democracy. Unfortunately, these sorry souls have been duped into believing that participating in a democracy amounts to showing up every few years to tick a box for any one of a number of corrupted political candidates, many of whom are funded by the exact same corporate entities. Such Pupples may even subscribe to the enduring illusion that western culture is replete with free-thinking individuals driven by independent will (except for the incurable, lost souls on the other side of the partisan divide that is) so from their perspective, what I’m expressing here may appear to be absolutely bonkers. But I accept their condemnation. Sanity is a relative social construct.

But for those who desire to empower their minds and liberate their consciousness from such prefabricated realities, we must appreciate how the Superstate operates from a place of chronic fear and anxiety, a perfectly understandable condition when you take a close look at the numbers. There’s about 3,500 billionaires on Planet Earth (plus their legions of feudal overlords, vicious vassals, plantation masters, obsequious overseers and multitudes of loyal minions) and approximately seven billion Human Beans hopelessly enslaved by them. You don’t have to be a math surgeon to recognize the overwhelming discrepancies here and the obvious problem facing the Overlords. They’re in a very precarious position, like a tiny little hive of ants staring down an army of African elephants about to rampage at any moment. And as much power, profit and control as the Superstate amasses, it can never permanently fix the inherent flaw in the equation, the simple, indisputable mathematical reality that billions upon billions of enslaved Pupples on Planet Earth vastly outnumber the relatively few Ruling Degenerates. This is their Achilles’ heel and the source of all their eternal misery.

What’s more important to them than anything else, more important than satiating their bottomless desire for power, profit and control is the first order of business in the hierarchy of needs for any known entity—survival, and the essential task of preserving and maintaining what they already possess in the face of overwhelming competition. The competition, of course, being the seven billion slaves who endlessly toil within the dire machinations of the Superstate itself.

The Degenerates linger a perpetual state of deep spiritual distress, being largely psychopathic in nature and divorced from any sense of humanity to begin with. They’re not healthy beings. Their minds, bodies and souls have been possessed by demonic forces and they’re horribly tormented by constant night terrors. The great Jedi Master Yoda had them sussed decades ago: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

Neutralizing the threat of the many is the primary agenda of the Degenerates, and has been since the dawn of civilization. To achieve this end, they employ a variety of clever tactics, including such classics as diversion, distraction and disenfranchisement but the chief amongst their nefarious schemes is undoubtedly the age-old, fool-proof strategy of, “divide and conquer,” an infallible tradition that’s been dramatically and exponentially powered by every technological breakthrough since the advent of mass media.

Before the printing press, the Overlords relied heavily upon organized religion to control the minds of the masses but throughout much of the 20th century, the silver screen and its far more deadly offshoot, the cathode ray tube, became the primary weapons of choice. But now as we plunge deeper into the new millennium, the vast array of possibilities available within the Eternal Digimos, especially the social media realm and the emergence of so-called ‘Artificial Intelligence’ technologies, have increasingly fuelled their ability to successfully divide the Pupples against themselves, endlessly pitting Gibbleheads against Nipple Dippers on just about every conceivable issue under the heavens, with each faction fully convinced of their own collective sanity and clearly able to perceive how the opposing tribe has gone completely and utterly crackers.

Almost every societal concern imaginable has become so desperately partisan-skewered that once you successfully identify where an individual resides along the Gibblehead-Nipple Dipper continuum, you can effortlessly predict with near perfect precision what constitutes their opinions™ on almost any issue of importance, whether we’re talking about Transmania, CoronaPanic, MigrantMadness, the Ukraine Debacle, the Gaza Genocide, the safety and efficacy of masks, lockdowns and the experimental gene transfer injections manufactured by serial corporate criminals or whether or not the Climate Crisis is a complete hoax or something destined to destroy the entire human race.

And while all individuals, regardless of where they linger on the cultural spectrum, believe themselves to be rational, free-thinking creatures immune to propaganda and brainwashing, the reality is something dramatically different. The majority of Pupples simply follow a comprehensive, prefabricated script that imposes an ideological construct upon reality, never the other way around.

Once these ideological polarities are set in place, they proceed with a self-perpetuating momentum, almost a ‘reverse’ magnetism. In the laws of physics where opposite poles attract, in the case of the Culture War of Terror, opposing belief systems violently repel one another. As each faction becomes increasingly entrenched within their contrasting conceptions of reality, over time a chasm forms between the warring tribes, pushing each of them deeper and deeper into Partisan Derangement. When the divide becomes so vast that it’s no longer possible to bridge with any mutual points of understanding, as in the case of Transmania for instance where polarized factions don’t even recognize similar definitions of commonly used terms from the same language (i.e. when words such as ‘gender,’ ‘woman,’ ‘penis’ and ‘uterus’ take on entirely different meanings according to one’s ideological persuasions), we then escalate from the standard variety Partisan Derangement into the much more serious and incurable condition of Cultural Psychosis itself. At this point, each contingent appears to be so utterly lunatic from the perspective of the opposing tribe, they no longer regard one another as members of the same species. The is the ideal end result of the Superstate’s divide and conquer strategy because once Cultural Psychosis is fully established, it will self-perpetuate indefinitely, requiring very little maintenance or effort on their part to regulate.

Trump Derangement Syndrome provides us with another compelling case study. One half of that equation views Donny BumSqueak and his gaggle of goons as the greatest threat to U.S. Democracy since the Ku Klux Klan. The other half believes he will be the greatest saviour of U.S. Democracy since George Washington himself. Unfortunately, both camps are completely divergent from reality as there is no U.S. Democracy left to either save or destroy. Both political parties are funded and operated by the exact same corporate entities. This isn’t a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of public record.

To summon a well-worn pop culture analogy, there isn’t merely one matrix out there but many competing matrices that manifest across the entire spectrum of the ideological rainbow. This includes not Blue-Pilled Fantasies and Red-Pilled Delusions but also Purple-Pilled Daydreams, Black-Pilled Nihilisms and even White-Pilled Transcendentalisms. So it isn’t a simple case where a Blue Pill offers a one way trip to the land of illusion while a Red Pill brings the user back to reality. As rational as the Red Pill universe may appear to those intoxicated by its many charms, it is just as prefabricated a world as the Blue Pill fantasy realm and one as equally Partisan Deranged.

To become a genuine Wildling (i.e. one of the free-thinking undesirables who live beyond the wall and bend the knee to no-one), you have to get your hands on a healthy supply of Purple Pills (I know a reasonably priced source if you’re struggling to find them on the street). One of the primary effects of this particular narcotic substance is to engender the user with the ability to perceive many of the competing ideological constructions inherent in these prefabricated realities. Under the hypnotic spell of the Purple Pill, one is naturally inspired to vigorously question the underlying narrative assumptions of both the Gibbleverse and the Dipperverse. But I must warn you, this is an incredibly disorienting and destabilizing experience for first time users and definitely not something for the lily-livered or faint of heart, especially for those who’ve spent most of their adult lives implicitly trusting in the integrity of our corporate captured public institutions.

You ever see the 1967 Roger Corman movie The Trip written by Jack Nicholson and starring Peter Fonda? A ride on the Purple Pill makes that flick look like an episode of Mr. Bean.

The Purple Pill will open your mind to the possibility of observing some sliver of objective truth regardless of how painful it may have appeared to your sober self, no matter how much it shreds your most precious beliefs and deeply held assumptions. But unless you’re prepared to throw yourself overboard and take your chances on the tumultuous waves of ideological uncertainty, there will be very little hope of breaking free from the chains of Partisan Derangement. The sinking slave ship you’re hoping will carry you to the safety of Cultural Psychosis is doomed to crash and shatter on the jagged rocks of inconvenient reality, leaving you in a state of constant confusion and free-floating anxiety, rendering you vulnerable to one predatory propaganda campaign after the next, after the next and after the next.

So jump into the murky depths my dear Earthlings and join me as we endeavour to navigate the uncharted ocean of deceptions and illusions together. The water is perfectly fine! Actually, the water is not fine. It’s freezing bloody cold, choppy as hell and there’s terrifying sea monsters all over the gaff. Plus, chances are you’re most likely gonna drown as you desperately flail at phantom fishes in a futile effort to keep your head above the treacherous waves. But the best part is, if you can stay adrift on this endless sea of madness, you’ll have a permanent ‘get out of jail free’ card for the rest of your life, as other than being forced to attend a small number of obligatory family functions scattered throughout the calendar year, you’ll never be expected to show up to cocktail soirees, pot luck dinners or backyard barbecue parties ever again.

“If I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end.”

H.P. Lovecraft